The Super Super Bowl
We got to Universal city in less then an hour to catch the game at the Hard Rock Cafe while we snacked on some appetisers with many intense fans. After the game the Shiny Toy Guns took the stage for a Post Super bowl concert. One thing I may never understand about the band is why Chad (lead singer) and Mikey (drummer) spit on one another during their shows. At past shows I thought I was just at a weird angle and they were really not spitting on one another, but I was right (sadly). Along with that some of their fans are pretty creepy and bad smelling (like they have not showed in a couple weeks). The game was good, well I really didn’t watch it that much but I did watch the commercials. I am going to go stream some that I missed and re watch them. Check them out HERE if you missed them so you will not be shunned from everyday jib jab.