First stop Target @ 4:30 AM

Nothing is like the rush and energy of black Friday. Nothing gets me ready for the holiday season more then waking up a couple hours after falling asleep, to then sit outside in the cold, in a line with many others waiting for the store to open. Thanksgiving day is like a pep rally for the following day. You review all of the stores advertisements then get even more pumped as you watch there commercials for black Friday on the TV. This year I didn’t wake up at 4 AM for nothing. I got loaded up on Christmas gifts for all my friends and family. (well ….. that would be a lie … I woke up and bought all for me!) This years deals and door busters included:
20′ Dell Computer Screen
Digital Picture Frame
3 Dollar Panini maker
DVD (Yes Man)
Video Games
and many other little deals…

This black Friday was also very spectacular as the Apple Store reopened. They offered black Friday deals this year too and my mom Got a new Mac. Exciting times. Not exciting times was getting out of my car at 4:30 AM and dropping my phone and breaking the camera. But it did give me an excuse to upgrade to the 3GS. (FUN FACT: my last phone upgrade was due to jumping in a pool with my razor phone) Now you can enjoy quality mobile videos too!

My friend Brice found this super cool robber-esque beany (not on sale)

And last Also…
You always have to experience the black Friday shopping fights. This year it took place at the target camera shopping line. A man and Woman going at it like a bad episode of Jerry Springer. Luckily Brice was there to mediate and yell SHUT UP!!! and they did.

Another holiday season is upon us … and another black Friday in the bag.