Here is a pic from a huge hot tub partay. I think there were over 20 people in the spa that only fit 5. Rub a dub dub.
"Nothing is ever Free"
People say that nothing is every really free. I would beg to differ. This year for my Birthday my friend shared with me a website that changed my life (no it wasn’t that good) but it gives you free things for your birthday. All you have to do is sign up your email to there […]
Who knew it could be so hard to get in somewhere on your birthday. The first place we went to was the Yard House right at the first strike of midnight. They said I couldn’t come in on my freekin’ 21st birthday and I have to come back on the next business day. That was […]
SAG Awards
The rain let up for a beautiful yet chilly day up in LA for the Screen Actor Guild awards. The red carpet was rolled out, the stars were strolling down the carpet, and the cameras were ready to capture the event. Highlights from the day had to be getting a autograph from Tracy Morgan while […]
10 Years Ago…
Happy New Year!-I was the shortest one in the family-We were worried about the computers never working again-We celebrated the New Year in Maui-I wore an ugly Hawaiian shirt I am ready for a new Decade of life.Bring on Twenty Ten! 2010. “Time flies by fast but the good thing is your the captain”
Current Christmas CD
DOWNLOAD CDIt is back for another year of Great Christmas Music, Brett’s hand picked Christmas Playlist.’s Gift to you. (so don’t say we never give you anything) Super good Christmas music is awaiting you with just a click of a button. (Its good for 10 downloads, If it is not working leave a comment […]
Black Friday Fun
First stop Target @ 4:30 AM Nothing is like the rush and energy of black Friday. Nothing gets me ready for the holiday season more then waking up a couple hours after falling asleep, to then sit outside in the cold, in a line with many others waiting for the store to open. Thanksgiving day […]
The Coffee Cup Blog
You are asking yourself right at this very moment why is there a blog on a coffee cup? Well the answer is simple. Read along and you will find out … It is the perfect size, fits in the cup holder in my car, and does not splash out. The problem is that Christmas isn’t […]