TODAY! Here on my blog I want to give you the 411, 24/Seven, 365 days a year, about the happenings going on in my life. Thus I must inform you all there is a giant throw down JULY 11th at 7-Eleven with sluprees all day! Be sure to go get one sometime during the day.
You have seen some crazy kids in the apple store on photo booth for hours … well send in your best shot in photo booth as a comment. Winner will be posted (if anyone sends them in)PEACEEE
56 Geeks but I aint one
Click to EnlargeWith 56 geeks I’m sure you all will find a couple that match you, My matches are the Bargain Bin Geek, Apple Geek, Photo Geek FOR SURE, and Gadget Geek. As I scroll through the list I think of some friends that come to mind … rock geek (or music) Alison, band geek […]
Fresh Squeezed
7 different but equally desirable juices to chose from ranging from Banana (my favorite), papaya, watermelon, cantaloupe, pineapple, and more. With every fruit of the rainbow you will not be dissatisfied. They are ice cold and super fresh, not watered down and with no fake sugars added. Check them out “el campeon taqueria tortilleria” in […]
Midnight Adventure
We loaded up on the carbonation and kernels late last night in anticipation of the classic but brand new film from the series of Indiana Jones called The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Arriving around 11:30 the parking at the spectrum was full for Indi fans across the OC for 3 showings. We happened to […]
Hiking Hollywood Hills
It wasn’t the best idea to go on a hike in the hills of Hollywood yesterday at a blazing 90°F! A couple friends and I loaded up in cars, packed water and cameras and went for a hike up to famous sign. Things didn’t look promising when we got to the top of Mulholland street […]
Call me a Hippy Tree Hugger
Who goes to record store day and loves the world … But as humans we all leave our footprints… if you get a chance catch this show on National Geographic Channel. It is so crazy becuase there are NO digital effects. They took the products (thousands) and put them out just like we consume them. […]
Happy Mother’s Day
For mother’s day I decided rather then getting the typical candy or flowers I would take a different route and get my mom a bathrobe. Her old one was worn out because she lives in it during the wee morning hours and it was time for it to be replaced. I went around to a […]
Just a thought
Pretty much every bathroom now A days has some automatic device. First off why do they chose only one of the fleet of automatic cost saving machines? It is either the auto flusher that can be startling when you are not expecting it, the auto water that always shuts off way before the soap has […]