Photos from the September ’10 trip to Las Vegas. [nggallery id=9]
Are we there yet?! Road Trip.
The Five hour drive back from Vegas is always the best part of the car drive. Your tired, lacking sleep, trying to remember what you did the night before (well some people are), and having nothing to do but entertain yourself. Good munchies, candy, and music are essential for the drive through the barren desert but […]
Mobile Photo from a new perspective.
One of the sweet features on the site I use for mobile photos is that it tags the photo to a map from your phone. Here are the latest spots I have hit up in OC/LA the past couple months on mobile photo! It lets you stalk me even better! View
21 Birthday
I am going to Disneyworld. Not for awhile but this video gets me pumped up for it!
Christan Love?Since I was not able to attend 24Seven, our Wednesday Night Church Service (due to the fact I am in Maui) the media team decided to show me some Christan love (or maybe lack there of) because they found out I was in Maui. My response back to them …. Galatians 5:26 says, “Let […]
Staying Connected
All around the world, in different states, cities, and counties my friends are roaming around on holiday. The best way to stay connected is through picture messaging, they go straight to your phone, to another phone almost instantly. Its like a digital post card, but it doesn’t get home after you. Here are some pics […]