The trickling rain covered Edinburgh for the entire day. The brilliant architect structures got a finishing touch from the layers of light sprinkles and set the mood. I am still drying off as I type. They key to overcome the endless rain is many layers and the warmth from the Scottish folks. Walking up and down the mossy cobble stone roads to new and undiscovered stores I found few keepers for friends and family. The air was bordered with towering buildings of many years past and of the current times. We found shelter in shoppes, malls, castles, and cafes. McDonald’s offered some different menu options then in the states. Starbucks the same, but with added views overlooking the soaked hilly streets. This is one of my favorite Starbucks yet (pictured on the left) While lounging I got into a long conversation with a elderly man who has a gift of drawing. After about an hour we ended the chat and I was able to give him a track and told him not to get too caught up in church politics and just seek the Lord. Other snapshots from today include a hike to the castle that shadowed the entire town, good shopping, and good times had by all!
Good news I am almost dry.

Bon voyage,
This could be the last update for a wee while till I find a Internet connection in Paris.