September 19th 2007 was the last day she talked to the thousands of folks that called her. She was a laid back easy going woman who had lots of time on her hands and I never knew her name. With a quick dial of 853 – then any four numbers after that (i always used 1212 to make it 853-1212) she would pick up the phone and say … good morning at the tone pacsific standard time will be 7:30 in 10 seconds and then beeep, this would go on every 5 secounds. She was great around daylight savings times and other times when you just needed the time and wanted to hear it from her never changing familiar voice.

It was today that I called because my friend asked me for the number this morning…to my shock, horror, and disappointment there was a new voice at the end of the line and it was not the Time Lady. It said the time lady had died as of September 2007 (ok well not died but was taken off the air) We will always remember your true and loyal service to us Time Lady.