I have included Jimmy Nicols Guide to speaking Scottish- you will here some of the following terms from time to time.It is important you learn all of the following phrases in order to be able to communicate with the folks in Scotland properly.
Ginger — Any carbonated soft drink, though particularly Iron-Bru.
Hauners — A helping hand in a playground fight.
Iron brew— Any carbonated soft drink.
Ya Heeder a person goofing around
Mental — Tough.
Mint-it – Cool/amazing.
Pure dead brilliant – rather good.
Scooby — Clue, rhyming slang from Scooby Doo.
MA BURD My girlfriend a term of endearment
When written, words are often strung together, making it less intelligible to outsiders, as in:
Nomoney I have no money
Gonnanodathat please don’t do that
geezabrek – (Gie’s a brek) Give us a break.
uryegauntaethegemmethemorra (Are ye gaun tae the gemme themorra) Are you going to the game tomorrow?
Yerafyurhead you are of your head
Owenomydassllepin Oh no my dad is sleeping
Awrightbigmun hello big man are you doing well
A punter a person or another individual.
A wummin A woman or a lady
GEESMAPHONROUREAR Give me my telephone over
TALKINABOUTMAN what are you talking about
PS this was a joke– you will here these terms but you don’t need to learn them,just speak slowly and clearly and the scottish will be able to understand you- even if you cant undersatnd a word the are saying- seriously you will experience many differnet dialects.