It was the most exhilarating moment that I’ve had in a long time at the Panic at the Disco concert. While at the show I saw a kid who had just went out for a surf around the room and was lifting others up on to the audience and beyond and figured I could ask him for a hand up to surf the crowd (At first I was a bit sketchy to ask him. He was a couple rows in front of me, I didn’t know what i was getting myself into, I didn’t have my phone so i would have to somehow try to find my friend in the massive audience, but i went for it. Pushed my way to him and his friend and said can you lift me up? He seemed pretty excited to help me out , then i steeped into his hands and face first plugged into the audience and was on my way , sink or float I was up in the air! About 5 seconds I turned my self over to enjoy the ride. All the hands were supporting me as I surfed into the unknown people to the front of the stage. It was wild, crazy, fun, and to be done again! I then hit the front where the 300 pound security guard picked me up and set me down in front of the stage to return into the abyss of people to find my friend. After finding my place the kid who got me in the air gave me a high five and asked how it was …. and it was epic!
As for the concert Panic was amazing and their new CD is as well.
The concert had a unique garden vibe.